BlogWater Dispenser FAQ: How Much Electricity Does It Consume?

Staying hydrated is essential for your health and well-being, and having hot and cold water on demand makes maintaining hydration much easier. Because of this, many people choose to invest in a cold and hot water dispenser for convenience and the added assurance that the water they drink daily is clean and safe.

However, before purchasing a water dispenser for office or household use, you probably had plenty of questions in mind, such as “How much electricity does it require to keep your water dispenser running? and “What does it truly cost to have clean and safe water at your fingertips?” It is a commonly known fact that water dispensers consume electricity. If you are curious about how much energy your water dispenser uses, this article might help you understand.

Read on as we look at how much electricity a water dispenser commonly uses and what you can do to save more energy.

Electricity consumption of an average water dispenser

Generally, the amount of energy consumed by a water dispenser in Singapore depends on several factors, such as how often hot and cold water is dispensed and the amperage and voltage of the machine. Basically, energy consumption increases as voltage rises. Simply put, the higher the voltage, the more power is drawn.

On average, if a water dispenser uses a 120V outlet, it can eat up around 0.25 kWH over an 8-hour use or three watts when the machine is run for the day. On the other hand, a 240V plug expends approximately two watts, which equates to a total of around 0.17 kWH. For comparison purposes, a 120V outlet consumes more energy than electric coffee makers but less than electric kettles, whereas a 240V plug exhausts more energy than electric kettles and comparable energy with high-powered electric coffee makers.

How to save energy with water dispensers

When it comes to the energy efficiency of heating water, water dispensers have a notable advantage over traditional kettles. Water dispensers are designed to prioritise energy conservation, making them a more environmentally friendly option. Unlike kettles, which typically heat larger quantities of water at once, water dispensers are more adept at heating water on demand, minimising energy waste. Moreover, water dispensers often employ advanced heating technologies, such as instant heating systems or energy-efficient heating elements. These technologies ensure that only the necessary amount of water is heated, reducing energy consumption compared to kettles that need to boil larger volumes even when only a small quantity is required.

In addition, when choosing your water dispenser, be sure to look out for an energy efficiency label. Water dispensers with a 5-tick energy rating consume less electricity, which helps save more money on your electricity bill. You can also consider a direct piping water dispenser that doesn’t rely on electricity to operate. 


There are many frequently asked questions about water dispensers homeowners might think of. Those looking to conserve energy to be more budget- or eco-friendly should keep in mind that a water dispenser’s electricity consumption depends entirely on the type of machine you have and how frequently hot and cold water is dispensed.

If you are looking for an excellent and cost-effective water dispenser that will supply all the drinking water you need at less cost, Wells is the provider you can trust! At Wells, you can find a wide range of top-notch water dispensers that push you to drink more daily without necessarily burning a hole in your pocket. Aside from water dispensers, we also offer the best air purifier for dust in Singapore. To learn more about our awesome products, please visit our website or reach out to us anytime.